Alaskan Real Estate Cordova Office 907.424.7253 phone
Cordova's Office has three Real Estate Professionals to serve you. Alaskan Real Estate is one of the oldest real estate firms in Alaska with over 30 years in the business. [more information]
Alpine Properties 907.424.4512 phone
Alpine Properties is a 180 acre GREEN development with forty 3-acre parcels and a 1-acre parcel on Lake Eyak available for you to build an isolated home in the woods overlooking Lake Eyak. [more information]
Cordova Realty 907.424.3199 phone
Cordova Realty has the largest selection of properties in the Cordova and eastern Prince William Sound area. The broker, Linden O'Toole, is Cordova's most experienced real estate professional, and will be happy to answer your real-estate questions and help you to become acquainted with properties being marketed in the area. [more information]